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CG | DRB | 2012 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2012 049
Original file (2012 049.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied
DRB DOCKET 2012-049




Narrative Reason: Separation for Miscellaneous/General Reasons
Authority: 12.B.12

RE code: RE-1

TIS 1 year, 0 months, O days



Policy Implications _| None



The applicant was discharged for unsuitability due to personality disorder in early 2004.

The applicant telephonically appeared before the Board to state suffering a physical impairment that lead to the
temporary duty assignment. The applicant was not satisfied with performing routine support tasks and sought
out discharge from the Coast Guard. The applicant stating meeting with a psychiatrist and receiving a
discharge package from the command. The applicant disputes the finding of a personality disorder.

Without any medical records showing an official diagnosis, it is inaccurate to assign a separation code,
narrative reason, or authority on a DD214 for a mental health discharge case. The board can’t uphold a
Personality Disorder separation without an adequate basis, particularly in regards to mental health cases.
It should not be incumbent on the applicant to try to overturn that a personality disorder did not exist.

In order for the applicant to be Discharged for a mental illness, it requires a diagnosis from a military
psychologist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professional capable of rendering such diagnoses to the CG or

VA. Such medical records are made a permanent part of the service record. None of those documents exist in
the applicant’s medical or personal data record.

The board unanimously recommends relief as follows:


Narrative Reason: Separation for Miscellaneous/General Reasons
Authority: 12.B.12

RE code: RE-1

Final Adjudication by Assistant Commandant For Human Resources: Concur with Board. Aforesaid relief
is granted.

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